Tuesday, February 23, 2010


What to write. What. To. Write. WhAtToWrItE...

I haven't been too busy to write. I just haven't had anything "grab me" and beg to be written about. A few random thoughts, but nothing that could become a stellar essay. Not that I'm in the habit of writing "stellar" essays, come to think of it.

Some random thoughts.

Why do people continue as Education majors after working in our After School Program (ASP)? Wouldn't that be a huge deterrent--sort of like "Scared Straight" for the primary set? (Note the lower case 'p' as opposed to upper case. Used as an alternative to 'secondary' rather than an LDS church auxiliary. Just thought I'd point out that random little thing)

Why is it that once I'd finally chosen something to get my Masters in, made contacts, and had enthusiastic and positive feedback from said contacts, I realized I could probably never a) find a job in this market (both economic and geographic) and/or b) never find a job in this market that would allow me to see my family on a daily basis? That, my friends, is called 'cruel irony.'

Why is it that once I'd finally settled on my backup plan and chosen a different career to pursue, the necessity of taking Math 110--for the 4th time!!!--would become brutally obvious? This time I have to get an 'A' in it, which is alternately terrifying and hilarious. College Algebra is a huge challenge for me. I've always felt that math is like liquor--best to stay away from the hard stuff. Looks like I'll be drinking alone--again. (You know I mean "math" when I say drinking--don't scare the neighbors)

I have a big scar on my face from an accident when I was 11. I've had plastic surgery, so now it's not too noticeable. I think plastic surgery is fabulous, and I would love to have more done. Just thought I'd share.

Sometimes people think I'm weird because I live in Utah and hate guns. The very sight of one makes me want to pass out. There's a reason for that, and it might become a blog post someday. Or maybe not. (Just to clarify, people DO think I'm weird because I live in Utah, but I was trying to point out that in a state with a very high gun to possessor ratio, hating guns is the weird part, not that fact that I live here)

I love to read, but I'm a little overly critical with the books people recommend. This does not explain why I loved the first couple of "Twilight" books so much. The last two, not so much, but with the first two I was a little scarily obsessive. I'm much better now, and back to my nitpicky self. So over it now. Pretty much.

I like to knit, too. I knit during my "downtime" when I'm playing the piano for the little bits in church on Sunday. I tell people it's to keep my poor fingers warm back in my cold corner. Really it's because I have a LOT of downtime and I can at least keep my mind occupied while the kids scream their heads off. (To be fair, it's really only a few spoilsports who do the screaming, but they give their peers a bad name by association)

I wonder sometimes if I have ADD. I've joked about it for years (SQUIRREL!!), but sometimes I think I do. I wonder if a person can train themselves to develop ADD just by living a chaotic life? One would surmise then, that by streamlining and simplifying said life, the ADD could go away. That assumes that my first supposition was correct, and I'm only supposing at the moment. I could be supposing erroneously. Hupidubidu!

Worth the month-long wait between posts?