Thursday, June 10, 2010

Back In the Swing of Things

Had a great time in St. Louis! Finally got there (1st class, too!) and did all kinds of things. Went to Emily's knitting group at Cafe Ventana one evening, which consisted of three doctors, one professor, a super-smart MBA (Em)--and me. Had a cinnamon sugar beignet with Mexican hot chocolate, which was divine, and made a lot of progress on my sweater. Got pedicures with my mom, did some sewing done on Sweetie's pirate costume for Halloween this year (let's be honest--I watched my mom work on it), met Em's boyfriend (lovely, by the way), popped by Ted Drewes, went to Global Foods Market (a jaw-dropping international grocery store), ate at Pueblo Solis with my brother and sister-in-law, picked up Caroline at the airport--just all kinds of things!
But now I'm home, and the real summer vacation drill begins: Marching Band, Summer Orchestra, swimming lessons, skating lessons, Tae Kwon Do, Scout Camp, Diabetes Camp, Girls' Camp, cleaning rooms, purging closets and drawers, de-griming everything that was "grimed" during the school year. And of course dinners on the deck, playing in the yard, knitting, sewing, and loveliest of all--reading.

Our online book club, Trans-Atlantic Bibliophiles, is back in swing on Goodreads, and there is still time to join us. This summer we're reading "Middlemarch" by George Eliot. It's a long one, but we're allowing ourselves the whole summer to work through it. I've picked up books from Orem Library, so if you'd like to join us, I'll bring a copy by for you! If you're not in the area, you can grab a copy at your local library or bookstore.

Click here and it will take you to our group. If you haven't registered on Goodreads yet, it's free and very fun. Add me as a friend!

Happy Summer everyone!