Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Turning The Corner!!

Well, I think the worst is definitely over! This past weekend I think the nerves were finally wide awake, but they've gone into "normal" mode now. I can see skin starting to grow on my foot (I'd take a picture but Sweetie hid the camera somewhere), and I'm down to just 800 mg Ibuprofens a couple of times a day. Yippee Skippy!!! Still wearing a sock over the bandages instead of a shoe, which makes walking across the playground at school a little awkward, but I'm walking!

And I'm going to be teaching my Civil War unit for Gifted/Talented for the next three weeks, which makes me very happy! I finally get to show the kids my replica bullets Sweetie bought me a few years ago. He knew I'd love them :)

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