Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We No Speak Americano

Drummer Boy posted this on Facebook, so I swiped it for my very own. They're actually Irish step-dancers, though definitely avant-garde ones! Very catchy, quirky, and cool.



Holly said...

wow! seems like it would be more relaxing to just play backgammon or yahtzee at night, but to each his or her own! I wonder how long it took them to choreograph and perfect this?

Sally said...

Loved that! I wish I could do something like it...not really! I'd end up with a bloody nose for sure!

Danielle said...

Diane, we wanted to go while we were there, but it just didn't happen. I would've loved to have seen it. But, maybe we can go back one day.
How are things in the wonderful land of Provo?