Thursday, March 20, 2008

I'm In A Bad Mood

I've never been one who could completely leave my work at work and not carry it home with me. This is very hard on my kids. I have a few students who I would really like to strangle right now, but rather than smack them into next week I came home and yelled at MY kids, who didn't do anything wrong, relatively speaking. There's never a shortage of things to get on their cases about, but I usually at least ask how their day was before I start in on them.

Not today. Today I walked in the door and banished them all upstairs. I yelled at E about her grades, yelled at N for acting put out with me, and tossed C off the computer. M didn't do anything to annoy me, but she was banished, too. I feel kind of bad about that. But really, it was for their own protection. I know that when I get in one of my "moods", the last thing I want to do is be reasonable and rational. Any contact with me will end in bloodshed, and only rarely is it my blood. By just clearing out they save us both from a lot of meanness, 99% of it on my part. I wish I weren't so quick to get ticked off. I really need to work on that.

Sorry kids.

1 comment:

annette said...

Days like that happen to me too. I start out depressed, yell at everyone, and then feel worse.

But recently I tried something. I walked in the door and announced I had had a bad day and since I didn't want to yell at anyone, could everyone clean-up, do homework/chores w/o me here and let me go take a half hour time out in my room. When I said it, I really expected everyone to say, "yeah, right", but to my surprise, it worked. I went to time out and things got, well, half done anyway. But NOBODY bothered me. Boy, I must be more aweful than I thought! :)