Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can!

Wow! What a night! So exciting! We all six stayed up late to watch Pres.-Elect Obama's speech. Very moving and inspiring. I thought Sen. McCain's speech was great, too. Very gracious. I'm thrilled the whole thing is over.

I miss Chicago like crazy today. If we still lived there, Sweetie and I would have grabbed the kids and headed down to Grant Park. I love that park--it's where I fell in love with Chicago when I was 13 years old. The picture above is of the crowd leaving the amazing party for Pres. Obama last night. I'm going to love saying that, by the way.

I am so hopeful for the future. The sun is peeking through the clouds and things are going to get better. And my awesome nephew Jacob is home from Iraq for good! And maybe his brother Robert won't even have to go a year from now.

Why were people so afraid of this? I got so many emails with weird rumors and generally stupid things in them about Obama. Concerned neighbors came by to warn me of his "true" background (socialist, Muslim, terrorist, take your pick). I had students who were literally in tears because their parents had them so worked up about all the terrible things that would happen if Obama were elected. Kids were fighting with each other, spouting nonsense they had heard at home. They had no idea what they were saying, they just wanted to fight. You know, no matter who won, the sun would have come up today and life would have gone on. Take a deep breath, people.

Now I just have to wait for my parents to calm down...

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