Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Is Coming!!!

So Sweetie and I had a date at University Mall tonight. Just the two of us! We Christmas shopped for several tough cookies, and I made out like a bandit. Sweetie spoiled me rotten with new clothes (which I have completely forgotten about until Thursday) and he handpicked the chocolate truffles I am giving him. The best kind of shopping--no guesswork.

We had to cancel our trip to St. Louis because of the weather. I really miss my family, but there was just no way we could safely do the drive. So I'm going to fly out in January (just me!) to see everyone, including my sister from NC. We're going to do some sort of home repair project for Em and can probably even get my uber-cool brother involved. Only the crazy musician won't be there--she'll be tending bar in the Big Easy. Hopefully this summer we can all see each other.

Lots of presents to wrap tomorrow, a few errands to run, probably plenty of snow to shovel, cookies to bake, and a Honey-Baked ham to pick up. I wish I were in St. Louis, of course, but we're going to have a great Christmas anyway.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Sounds lovely! I'm baking brownies today for the big family dinner tonight and then dipping some chocolates. yum! Merry Christmas to you and yours!