Tuesday, February 3, 2009

On a Dime

I love my life. I whine a bit too much, but I really do love my life. Sweetie is a great guy, and all four of the munchkins rock my world. My house is tiny, but it will be paid off in the forseeable future. Our garden is a lot of work, but Sweetie does a fabulous job with it. He gets more out of it than I know what to do with. I don't know what I'm going to grad school for, but I can take classes for free while I decide. My family lives far away, but I still have all of them. My in-laws are the sweetest people on the planet. I work hard, but I have work.

I'm sorry I've been so petulant lately. As soon as I started reflecting on my life, the more nitpicky I became. I just need to get even busier so my brain can take a well-needed (though not well-deserved) break.

1 comment:

Karies place said...

Sometimes we all need to step back and realize how lucky we are. :)