Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rules of Engagement

All right, Peanut Gallery. I have read your comments and reviewed your messages on Facebook. This is how it works.

1. This is my blog, and I'm going to write whatever I feel like at the time. I will then edit, tweak, rewrite, and delete to my heart's content. I can do that, because I'm the boss of it.

2. I am not the Philosophy professor in the family--Sweetie is. I've never taken a logic class in my life, and I'm sure it shows. I majored in Advertising, which is basically propaganda. That's the perspective I'm coming from. Maybe I'm trying to convince you of something, or maybe myself. This is my lab and you and I are the cute little rats. Don't be offended--I'll never try to sell you anything I'm not at least thinking of buying myself.

3. I don't have to defend my choices in music. I happen to think I have rockin' good taste in my tunes. There is a pause button on the playlist, so please feel free to use it if you don't agree with me. If you have some suggestions of things I might like, I'll listen to every one of them. And I will probably do a post explaining why some things are on there.

That's it. Not too tough. Keep reading and commenting--I love hearing all of it!


Karies place said...

Hmmm sounds like you've had a challenger of music huh.

Diane said...

Well, more a challenger of my philosophical proclivities. It's been many years since I read Sartre and my rustiness apparently shows!

Diane said...

I really should have said "inconsistencies" instead of "proclivities." That's just such a great word and I don't have the occasion to use it very often.