Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Think You Are So Fascinating!

A little over a week ago I mentioned Story Corps in my post about my favorite NPR podcasts. Well, guess what?! They're coming to Salt Lake City to record YOUR stories. And I know you have lots of interesting ones hiding inside your good-looking heads.

I've always loved hearing other people's stories. Biographies are my favorite genre of books and I think obituaries are so interesting, even in their sadness. I even like reading the author blurbs in the back of the books I'm reading. And this is why Story Corps is my favorite radio show in the whole wide world: because it reaffirms what I've always believed--that everyone leads a fascinating life, even if they don't think so.

Check out the Story Corps website and listen to some of the stories. Many are laugh-out-loud funny, others thought-provoking, some just downright sad. In the space of just a few minutes I get completely involved in a total stranger's life to the point that I can cry huge tears over them. It's very powerful.

This is your chance to get Grandpa to talk about the war, your mom about the day you were born, or thank your brother for sticking up for you when you were a kid. A few of my favorites are "Miss Devine", "Chunky Sanchez", and "Betty Jenkins." Just do a search for them on the site and you'll hear them.

So call them up and make a reservation! It's completely free and will be archived at the Library of Congress for your kids and grandkids to listen to in the years to come.


Emily said...

So what story are you going to record?

Diane said...

I'm the least interesting person you'll ever meet ;)

Wish you were coming out while they're here--we could come up with something!