Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pep Talk

As I mentioned before, Elvira is doing a writing challenge this month called Script Frenzy. I was going to do it too, but just couldn't seem to get the whole format to work for me, though I did come up with a killer idea for a plot. It will make a really great script if I can stick with it. Next year for sure!

I received an email that there would be a Write-In for Script Frenzy participants at our local Barnes & Noble. We got there a few minutes late, but couldn't find anyone who looked like they were writing anything at all. Never ones to waste a trip to the book store, we both found plenty of things to explore.

But the best discovery was local author Brandon Sanderson signing his books. Ever since he spoke at Elvira's middle school a few years ago, she has been a big fan of his. I really wanted her to meet him, and at the very least tell him how much she enjoyed his books. She loves getting reviews of her stories--why should he be any different? She felt a little awkward going up to him empty-handed though, so that cost me the price of a book. He was very gracious, inscribed it to her, and when he found out she was a writer (hmm, wonder how that bug got in his ear) gave her lots of encouragement and advice. The man could not have been kinder. She walked out of that store with the biggest grin on her face and has been writing non-stop since then (which she does anyway, so I can't really credit him with that).

I love it when people inspire my kids. Sometimes Sweetie and I need to help orchestrate such encounters, but it's well worth the effort. Someday Elvira will be signing her own books somewhere, and she'll remember how happy she felt when Brandon Sanderson took the time to give her a pep talk. I hope she passes the tradition on.

1 comment:

Holly said...

That is so cool!